Almost 300 Sandwiches for St. Lawrence Haven

Sunday, February 19th, 2017
Ohio State University
Numerous members of Health Points came together at Rm 1040 Mcpherson Lab for the club's first service event: making sandwiches for the homeless at St. Lawrence Haven. With ingredients for over 300 sandwiches, we were determined to finish in a swift and efficient manner. Everyone quickly got to work in jovial moods, light music playing in the background. People sneaked a piece of bread, bologna (first time trying it, 10/10 would recommend), and cheese in between the process. Hence, the 296 sandwiches made.
Delivered the sandwiches to St. Lawrence Haven soon after - hopeful and optimistic to have made an impact on the hungry for that day.
All in all, it was a simple, but successful event. An event we most certainly will come back to, and next time, we'll reach a thousand sandwiches.